Friday, March 5, 2010

Impolite Inquiry

First off, I was going to name this one "Inconsiderate Information Inquiry," but I figured that would be a smidgen too long. *Sad face.* Anyhoo, today's troublesome tale features yet another jerk with the innate ability to get under my skin. Working as a customer service rep, I've come to accept the fact that my counter for exchanges and returns also doubles as an information booth for our store's patrons. Having worked up there for quite a while now, a majority of the time, if I don't know the answer to a customer's question, I know who does. It just so happened that, on this particular day, my answers to a specific customer's questions were really just not good enough.


~ As I was working with a customer on their return, a grumpy gentleman approached the counted wanting to speak with a supervisor. Because I'd needed one's assistance not but a few moments prior, it just-so happened that she was still standing right next to me. So, I eagerly directed his attention to her, and turned my attention back to the customer I was with.
Crisis averted
...or so I thought.

Mr. Grumpy had a prepaid Visa card that was apparently giving him some trouble. He'd tried to make a purchase with the card, but it was declined. This bothered him because he stated that there should have been more than enough money on the card to have completed the transaction. Because of this, he wanted to just withdraw all of the rest of his money off the card. Unfortunately, that's now how these convenient, yet sometimes very inconvenient, pieces of plastic work.

My super was doing her best to try to answer his agitated inquiries, but it was pretty obvious that she wasn't well-versed enough with the type of card that Mr. Grumpy had to provide the information he was looking for. By that time, I'd finished with the customer I was working on and, against my better judgment, decided to step back into the line of fire. I still recall our conversation pretty clearly, but I don't carry a tape recorder in my pocket, so I can't provide you with exact quotes. The following is (in as best an order and detail as I can remember) the customer's questions followed by the answers I provided him with:

Q. I don't want to just withdraw my money $20 at a time from this thing with cash back. I want every last cent back off of it. That cashier doesn't know, so who and where am I supposed to do that with?
A. I'm sorry, but those types of cards don't work that way. Cash back is the only means of withdrawal off the card once the money is put onto it.

Q. Its my money, and I want it off the card. Why can't you just do it?
A. Our registers don't even have a command to do that for you. All I can suggest is to withdraw as much as you can or want in cash-back amounts.

Q. I don't want to do that! I want to withdraw all of it. Your store sells this card. Shouldn't you be able to give the money back?!
A. I understand what you mean, but really the only affiliation our store has with those cards is the fact that you can purchase them here. All of the rest of it is handled through the company shown on the back of the card. Their Customer Service number is on the back, as well, in the upper right, if you want to speak with them about it.

Q. I don't want to call them. I want someone here to give me the information. Can you at least tell me why your registers declined my card?
A. I'm sorry, but the only people who would be able to look into that for you is through the 1-800 number on the back of the card.

Q. I just told you I don't want to speak with them! How can your store honestly sell a card and not know a thing about it!?
A. I know quite a bit about those cards, but I can't possibly know everything because they're not run by our store. In this case, I do know where you can get the information, though. If you just call that Customer Service line on the back of the card, they'll be able to tell you what you're looking for.

Q. Look, I'm not trying to be an ass, but stores should be run better than this. Are you telling me that there isn't a single person in this store who can tell my why this card was declined?
A. I understand its frustrating, but yes. That 1-800 number is the only place where they'll be able to provide you with that kind of information. I'm sorry.

Mr. Grumpy was done with me at this point, moved off to the side, pulled out his cell phone, and finally dialed the accursed Service line. He still seemed skeptical that he wasn't going to find out what he wanted to know and hung around a bit in our customer service area while he spoke with them. I can only assume that he did get the answers to the questions he had regarding the prepaid card because he eventually wandered away without throwing anymore 'who', 'what', 'when', 'where,' 'why' or 'how's at me. In the end, my super didn't mind my cutting in on the conversation at all. She didn't come right out and say it, but I'm pretty sure she appreciated it, too. I couldn't help but be kinda proud at how easily and calmly I responded to each increasingly agitated demand for information.

~And by the by, if you ever feel the need to use the line, "I don't mean to be an ass, but..." you're already being an ass. Thank you for confirming anyone's suspicion on the matter.


Wanderlust said...

I know I *have* a brain, and that I can access it right here inside my head, but I don't want to *use* my brain, I want you to just give me the answer I want, that's much, much easier. Now why can't you understand that?!

Cher Duncombe said...

I think you have one of the toughest jobs out there. It would wrack my nerves. You did handle this person well and probably better than I would have. Do they give out awards from your employer? You deserve one!

Sally said...

I agree with you whole-heartedly, Mike. Prepaid Visa cards have been the bane of my existence since the very moment I entered the workforce.

And Cherlock, it wracks my nerves, too. With a couple friends' encouragement, that's why I made this blog. It helps me vent and re-evaluate the situations I've gone through so that I can just sit back and laugh at them.

And no, they don't give out awards. With how the economy has been, I'm just happy to have a matter how much it s.u.c.k.s...

Unknown said...


This is by far one of my favorites that you've written. I've been behind Mr. Grumpys like him before and I've got to say you handled it so well. Those prepaid things are great for college kids when mom & dad want to make sure thier money is only used at the grocery store and I can envision Junior or Juniorette trying to get a few bucks off of one but good grief...grown up Mr. Grumpy ought to have known better!

And aside from the meat of your rant I think this one is one of the most well put together ones you've done. I truly felt like I was there and I laughed when you said how he got his comeupance from the service people. Too funny!


Anonymous said...

Was it a reloadable card or just a random prepaid? That makes a difference, as least to me it does, the reloadable are Amaiz-iz-ing, they let me shop on line and such with out having some one pilfer my identity. The others make a great ice scraper. They have no billing address and can't be used on line and the support staff is "usually" staffed by people in another country. This reminds me of an incident I delt with, a woman wanting to return a pre-paid phone. And of course it's posted by the display that there are NO returns. And you go back and forth telling the customer that it was in fact posted the day she bought the phone in the first place. What's even better is when people try to return stained USED clothing. That's a laugh riot. Again I'm sorry about ranting back at you about "obese" folks. And you are awesome. You are now one of the very few bright spots in my day.

Sally said...

Thank you very much, Avery and Ixidor, and I agree with both of you. Prepaid credit cards -can- be very convenient. Unfortunately, I always get stuck handling the people who choose to make them -inconvenient-. And yes, it was the reloadable kind.

Another reason why I hate these cards so much (reloadable or not) is because people are notorious for attempting to use them for money laundering. As long as we follow policy, that doesn't happen, but it doesn't stop people from trying.

So in the future, if I have another rant involving these cards, please understand that I do know how useful they -can- be. But, for the most part, I would be happy to see every single one of those pieces of plastic melted down and turned into toilet seats.

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