Thursday, February 4, 2010

Crooked Co-workers

Of the people who I loathe, customers are a clean and clear #1. Right below them though, are definitely my co-workers with a very close second. Yesterday provided me with two examples which I'm going to share today regarding said co-workers. Enjoy.


~ Let me start off by giving you a little more of an idea of how the service desk area is set out. When walking into this area, you are greeted by the counter where I handle all the customers' items. Behind where I stand, there is a small wall with a simple, large shelf behind it. This shelf holds large bins which are labeled for specific departments in the store. Anything that is brought up to this area, and is able to go back on the shelf, is sorted out into it's corresponding bin. The small wall I mentioned is simply to hide the shelf and give the desk area a cleaner look. Behind all of that, there is a small walking space so that you can easily reach the row of bins on the floor and a storage closet off to the side.

After I clocked in and made my way up to the counter, I gave the area a cursory glance and logged into my computer. It was a little messy but not really much more than I expected. As the woman who I was replacing wandered off to go on her lunch, I took one look over the little wall to see the state of the back area and knew it wasn't going to be a good day. In fact, I was angry beyond words. I walked around back to get a better view and saw that the hardware/sporting goods bin was overflowing onto the floor. Other items looked as if they had just been thrown back there to land on the ground. Usually when a bin gets full like that, people have the common courtesy of putting what doesn't fit in a shopping basket. Not yesterday. There was so much junk in the way, I couldn't even make it to the bins on the other side of it, let alone the storage closet. Want to take a guess who gets to clean all this up, too? The one who gets to work the closing shift - Me.

I'm usually one who just keeps her mouth shut and takes care of things like this herself, but that mess was too much. I flagged down our main front-end supervisor and had her take a peek around the corner back there. Of course, the pile on the floor didn't make her happy, either. She knew who had been working at the counter and made a convenient arrangement for me. The perpetrator was still on the clock and was assigned back up at the service desk to clean it up while I gave a worker at the other side of the store a lunch break. I already knew the woman who had made the mess possesses a bit of a temper, so I really didn't expect much, to be honest. The plus side is that I didn't have to be at the service desk for an hour.

As it turns out, I should have set my sights a little lower. Yes, she'd cleaned up the mess, but instead of a big pile on the floor, it was now a bigger pile in the bin. There was so much stuff stacked up, that it was now creeping down into the bins on either side of it. Wonderful. Before the overnight stocking crew shows up in the evening, the closing service desk worker is charged with pulling all the items out of their bins and placing it all into sorted shopping baskets. This way, it gives me something to do when business slows down, and its easy for them to push returns back out onto the floor. So now, I didn't have to pick up the stuff off the floor anymore. No, I had to get all the items out of the three bins they'd fallen into instead. Oh well, life goes on.


My second story is rather short, but still worth mentioning.

~ When I had entered the building to make my way to the back and clock in, I had noticed that there were fewer shopping baskets in the entryway than usual. Coming back up to the front a passed by a store manager speaking with our main, front-end supervisor. They had been looking for the cart crew and my super was in the process of informing the manager that the two had been located. Where were they, you ask? None other than in one of their cars out in the parking lot.

Apparently, they had been trying to locate the duo for a while. From the look on the manager's face, the guys were not on break and should not have been sitting out in a car like that. Who knows how much longer they had planned on sitting out there before reappearing to clock out for the day?

I hate people so much...


ellen said...

do not hate people!! I know you just say that to express your feelings about the duo and bad customers :-) I then think of people also as if the world goes down. Hae a great weekend!!

christina said...

hahaha. oh goodness. your stories. they make me mad but make me laugh at the same time :P

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