Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Better Wednesday

Well, today wasn't anywhere near as bad as yesterday. I started out at the service desk, and later got moved to a regular register to cashier. But fear not! Just because the day wasn't terrible, I still have stuff to gripe about.


~First of all, not even a half hour after I clocked in, guess who walked up to the service desk. If you guessed Mr. DVD from yesterday, you are correct! He approached, with that horrid piece of plastic in hand, and asked for a specific manager by name. How he got the name, I have no idea. It wasn't any of the ones that were contacted yesterday about the movie situation. Regardless of how he came by the information, I was obligated to contact that manager. When I didn't get a response, I waved down my main, front-end supervisor. She, also, was not working when the man had appeared yesterday. She spoke with Mr. DVD about the situation and I just about slammed my head on the counter when she told him to go get the new movie that he wanted.

While he walked away, I quickly scurried over and explained what had gone down last night. I'll let it be our little secret that I failed to mention the second-in-command giving the go-ahead for the movie swap. To my dismay, she contacted the manager who Mr. DVD had asked for by name, and he also approved the trade. I made sure my super was aware that I didn't feel right doing the exchange, so she was kind enough to take care of it for me. So, in the end, the persistent pain in the neck got what he wanted. Hurray for him. Whatever.

~Being back on a regular register today also reminded me of something very annoying that people do on a fairly regular basis. This action I'm referring to is the customer making a counterfeit money joke. I'm also going to be rather specific and state that I almost never have women make these remarks. It feels like about 30% of the time I take out my money marker to check the bills I'm handed, the gentleman I am helping makes one of these comments:

"Careful, the ink is still drying."
"Just made that [this morning/last night], it any good?"
"I figured out how to fool that marker pretty well, didn't I?"
"Don't mind it if the ink smudges." *wink*
"Looks pretty real, huh?"
"I see I did a good job on that batch."
"I bet you can't tell I made that, myself."

Oh man, I could go on. I'd rank these remarks just under someone saying an item is 'free' and right above when they ask me 'if I'm paying for their groceries' on my Annoy-o-Meter. That almost makes me want to make a chart for said meter...


christina said...

omg that little terd got what he wanted. i hate that feeling and i deal with it a lot. ugggh.

haha! definitely know the counterfeit jokers too. gah. retail

Sally said...

Yeah, people like Mr. DVD are pretty terrible to bear.

Because of the jokers, I'm thinking of making a shirt with "What Not to Say to Cashiers."

christina said...

haha oh please do! i'll make one too :P

Ellen said...

I think that would be such a great thing to have, and maybe you can make more shirts and sell them among other cashiers! :-)

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